Kari Otte, LME

Kari is a double board licensed Master Esthetician and Master Esthetics Educator. She has spent years training rigorously in order to understand skin histology and health to better care for her patients.

Kari was an educator at the top regional laser aesthetics school for 8.5 years where she helped to educate and equip students with in-depth knowledge of the skin and how to safely treat patients with a number of cosmetic laser devices and advanced procedures.

Kari’s passion has always been to help people. At Dermatology Arts, that translates into bringing the best care and education to her patients so that they may be able to care for the health of their skin properly. Putting together customized treatment plans and taking the time to really listen to her patients' needs is a top priority.

Fun Facts

When she is not working, she is most likely hiking in the cascades, biking or exploring outside. She also enjoys cooking, gardening and snuggling with her two cats. Kari is very family oriented and loves spending time with her entire family including her sweetest nephews and niece.