Lumecca by InMode IPL (intense pulse light) photo facial at Dermatology Arts in Bellevue with Laura Boichenko, LME

IPL Photo Facial

IPL (intense pulse light) Photo Facials are perfect for treating redness and brown spots. If you have rosacea, telangiectasias, freckles, or sun damage, an IPL Photo Facial can give your skin a reset and give you brighter and clearer skin.

At Dermatology Arts, we offer LUMECCA by Inmode. We generally recommend a series of 3 treatments about 1 month apart. After each treatment, patients typically experience redness for about 24 hours. And the pigmented lesions will darken for the first 24-48 hours and then gradually flake off in the week afterwards.

IPL is most typically used on the face, chest, and arms, but we can treat any area. However, one thing to keep in mind is that IPL is suitable only for lighter skin tones since the wavelength of light used can also damage the natural brown pigment in darker skin.

If you are interested, please call 425-753-2918 to book a consultation. We recommend meeting with one of our medical providers first to evaluate the lesions you wish to treat before the procedure.

    •  2 weeks before your treatment, please avoid sun exposure, spray tans, and tanning lotions (as all are considered active tans)

    • 10 days before your treatment, discontinue usage of any antibiotics

    • 5-7 days before your treatment please avoid all blood thinners such as Aleve, Motrin and Ibuprofen, as well as fish oil and flaxseed supplements

    • If you become pregnant or are breastfeeding, please give us a call

    • If treating your face, it’s preferred to have all facial makeup removed prior to your appointment

    • A mild to moderate sunburn-like sensation is anticipated. This usually resolves within 24-48 hours after treatment, but may persist up to 72 hours. Cold compresses, not icepacks, may be useful for the first 24 hours

    • Avoid hot showers, baths, or saunas for 48 hours after treatment

    • A gradual darkening of pigmentation will occur. Do not pick at or try to scrub the area away. This is part of the healing process and should start to slough off in 3-4 days

    • Avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and self-tanning creams to treated areas for 2-4 weeks post treatment

    • Use a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunblock of SPF 30 or greater