Self-Care for Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris on Upper Arm

Little red bumps all over your upper arms or thighs? You may have a benign skin condition called keratosis pilaris, or more commonly known as chicken skin. Keratosis pilaris is a variant of eczema, and it often gets worse with colder and dryer winter weather.

If you have noticed your keratosis pilaris (KP) getting a little worse this winter, here are some of our top tips for minimizing the appearance of your KP:

  1. Moisturize your arms and legs daily with Amlactin 12% lotion. Amlactin lotion has lactic acid in it which helps gently exfoliate away the little bumps while deeply moisturizing.

  2. Avoid scrubbing the area with physical exfoliants. While the lactic acid in Amlactin is great for treating KP, physical scrubs and loofahs are too harsh for keratosis pilaris and can actually traumatize the skin and make the condition worse.

If you still have questions about how to treat your keratosis pilaris, please feel free to make an appointment with one of our medical providers.


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