Adult Dermatology

As the years progress, our cars get older. A small scratch here, a ding there, a little sap gets stuck on the fender. We don’t wash or vacuum our cars as often as we used to. Forget about waxing. The same process gradually affects our bodies and skin.

We gain small little growth, the pH of our skin changes, and it just loses that “new car smell”. Plus, at some point, you have to reconcile the youth you spent at the beach, in the back yard, or even the tanning bed. At Dermatology Arts, we’re aware of and able to address the natural changes which occur in our skin over the years.

You’ll be happy to know 75 is the new 30-something. Your skin is now squarely middle aged. We’ll help you age gracefully, and avoid surgery for skin cancer by proactive skin cancer screenings. You won’t even be old until your late 90’s. Looking fresh and vibrant never goes out of style.