Dermatology Arts

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Clean Ears

Have you ever thought about how to care for your ears without using the typical but potentially harmful Q-tip method? A New York Times article has leading ENT experts shed light on this common dilemma, emphasizing the importance of a gentle approach to ear care. Just as your skin depends on a mindful approach for its well-being, your ears require a thoughtful strategy to maintain their delicate balance.

Earwax, composed of oily skin secretions, sweat, and dead skin cells, acts as a defender against irritants, regulating moisture and aiding in the removal of dead skin cells. The desire for excessively clean ears can disturb this delicate balance.

Why avoid cotton swabs?

Cotton swabs may seem like a harmless tool but we recommend against them due to the abrasive nature of cotton swab fibers. These seemingly "nice and fuzzy" instruments can lead to increased wax production, irritation of the inner ear, and even push earwax deeper into the ear canal, causing discomfort and potential hearing issues.

Our Recommendations for Ear Care:

  1. Wash! Use your fingertips or a moist washcloth to wipe the outer ear (pinna). This will cleanse the visible parts without disturbing the intricate composition of the inner ear. Remember to wash behind your ears with soap and shampoo.

  2. Ear Drops Over-the-counter ear drops soften the wax, offering a safer alternative to cotton swabs and promoting the ear's natural self-cleaning process.

  3. Avoid DIY Tools: Experts unanimously caution against the use of DIY tools or methods, as they can cause harm and disrupt the delicate ear canal. From ear candling to curettes, these at home methods can not only be ineffective but also potentially dangerous.

  4. Only Use Cotton Swabs Responsibly: For those unable to resist the allure of cotton swabs, only use them to absorb moisture around the ear's opening. Any discomfort or blockage should prompt a visit to a professional for a safe resolution.

At Dermatology Arts in Bellevue, WA, we acknowledge the careful consideration needed for ear care. Similar to maintaining skin health, a balanced and gentle approach is crucial for preserving the intricate composition of the ears. Experts caution against the use of cotton swabs and recommend exploring alternative methods for optimal ear health.